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Check out the latest game achievements and gaming news.

15 Easy to Achieve PlayStation Platinum Trophies
PlayStation trophies are a great way to track your progress in games, and earning a platinum trophy is the ultimate achievement, lets look at some of the easier ones.
Gaming Before Achievements: Nostalgia, Simplicity, and Pure Fun
Before the era of digital badges and globally recognized gaming achievements, video games thrived in a landscape where players found motivation, not in ticking off a list of tasks, but in the sheer joy of gameplay, competition, and self-imposed challenges.
The First Steam Achievement: Charting New Territories in Digital Gaming
Steam, developed by Valve Corporation, has become synonymous with PC gaming. Over the years, it has presented an evolving suite of services, from digital distribution to multiplayer gaming and video streaming.


The latest reviews from the Game Achievements staff.

Lies of P
Score of 1 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 2 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 3 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 4 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 5 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 6 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 7 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 8 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 9 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 10 given to a game in Game Achievements.
Out of 10 GA Score
Lies of P – A Masterful Marionette Show
In today's video gaming landscape, it's not uncommon to see titles inspired by popular predecessors, and "Lies of P" is no exception. Drawing heavily from the gritty worlds of FromSoftware, it stands as an homage while also showcasing its own merits.
Ball laB
Score of 1 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 2 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 3 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 4 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 5 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 6 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 7 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 8 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 9 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 10 given to a game in Game Achievements.
Out of 10 GA Score
Ball LaB: A Complex Puzzler with A Rollercoaster of Emotions
In an age of high-definition graphics and intricate storylines, "Ball LaB" takes a step back to remind gamers of the raw joy derived from simple yet challenging gameplay mechanics.
The Quiet Man
Score of 1 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 2 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 3 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 4 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 5 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 6 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 7 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 8 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 9 given to a game in Game Achievements.Score of 10 given to a game in Game Achievements.
Out of 10 GA Score
The Quiet Man: A Silent Descent into Bewilderment
Video games are an eclectic blend of storytelling, visuals, gameplay mechanics, and sound. When a game tries to challenge these fundamental aspects, it treads on precarious territory.
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