Lies of P
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Lies of P
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Out of 10 GA Score

Lies of P – A Masterful Marionette Show

In today's video gaming landscape, it's not uncommon to see titles inspired by popular predecessors, and "Lies of P" is no exception. Drawing heavily from the gritty worlds of FromSoftware, it stands as an homage while also showcasing its own merits. Despite its firm roots in the soulslike genre, "Lies of P" carves its own niche with an absorbing narrative and finely-crafted combat mechanics.

Stepping into a Familiar World

"Lies of P" plunges you into a gothic setting reminiscent of renowned titles, evoking a palpable sense of deja vu. The user interface, combat dynamics, and even some characters bring memories flooding back. It’s hard not to notice parallels, such as a boss sharing a namesake and appearance with one from the Dark Souls series.

While it’s not the maiden title to incorporate deranged automata in a historically-inspired setting, "Lies of P" successfully distinguishes itself from competitors with its riveting narrative and gameplay.

Narrative Nuances

"Lies of P" offers a gritty twist on the familiar Pinocchio tale by Carlo Collodi. The tale’s essence – Pinocchio's quest for humanity and his penchant for lies – is repurposed in a grotesque world, introducing characters and plot devices that evoke nostalgia. The game’s storytelling, more elaborate than most soulslikes, keeps you engaged through cutscenes and dialogues rather than cryptic item descriptions. It’s a refreshing deviation from the norm, providing a compelling story that keeps you invested throughout.

Combat and Exploration

Gameplay in "Lies of P" strikes a balance between the meticulous, slow-paced combat typical of the genre and a quicker, aggression-rewarding style. While the game encourages a specific combat style, it might seem restrictive to those used to diverse build possibilities in similar titles.

Exploring the dystopian city of Krat, with its clear fairytale inspirations, is a rewarding experience. However, the game’s linearity might be a letdown for some, with limited side quests and optional boss encounters.

The boss battles, a staple of the soulslike genre, are impressive and varied. The dual-phase design of most encounters, though interesting, can sometimes feel repetitive and predictable. Yet, their designs and the combat mechanics make each fight an exhilarating challenge.

Unique Features

Where "Lies of P" truly shines is in its weapon-crafting system. Allowing players to dismantle weapons and reconstruct them, combining different parts, provides a level of customization that’s both fun and strategic. This innovative feature, however, loses some of its sheen when confronted with legendary weapons that overshadow customizable options in terms of power.

Despite this, small quality-of-life enhancements like keeping a portion of your currency upon death and notifications about leveling up make the gameplay smoother and more player-friendly.

Technical Aspects

While the overall performance of "Lies of P" is commendable, it’s not without flaws. Occasional bugs, such as phasing through environments or abrupt enemy despawns, can be jarring. But these hiccups are overshadowed by the game’s strengths, including its captivating soundtrack. The collectible vinyl records, in particular, add an auditory dimension to the game that's genuinely captivating.


"Lies of P," while closely aligned with its soulslike inspirations, manages to bring its own flavor to the table. Some uneven difficulty levels and restrictive combat styles aside, its intriguing narrative, exceptional boss fights, and the unique weapon-crafting system make it a worthy experience for genre enthusiasts. For those yearning for a title akin to Bloodborne, "Lies of P" offers a tantalizing taste of that dark fantasy world.

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Out of 10 GA Score



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Lies of P
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Out of 10 GA Score
Lies of P – A Masterful Marionette Show
In today's video gaming landscape, it's not uncommon to see titles inspired by popular predecessors, and "Lies of P" is no exception. Drawing heavily from the gritty worlds of FromSoftware, it stands as an homage while also showcasing its own merits.
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